Category Archives: Research

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Dalit Women in Tamil Nadu

Differentials and determinants in utilisation of public and private health facilities for reproductive health services: A case study from rural Tamil Nadu, India Dr. P. Balasubramanian and Dr. TK Sundari Ravindran

This is a case study of the state of Tamil Nadu in India which aims to explore the extent to which government’s commitment to improving public sector health facilities has translated into access to maternal and other reproductive health services for women from the most marginalised sections of society.Read more

Patient welfare societies, health committees and accountability to citizens on sexual and reproductive health : Lessons from case studies from Tamil Nadu. Ranjani K. Murthy, P. Balasubramanian and K. Bhavani

The research has suggested that the village health committees and PHC, CHC and hospital patient welfare societies (along with other provisions under NRHM) have improved health services in public health facilities in the two districts visited, and more so at the sub centre, PHC and CHC levels than at the hospital level.Read more

‘‘Yes’’ to Abortion but ‘‘No’’ to Sexual Rights: The Paradoxical Reality of Married Women in Rural Tamil Nadu, India P.Balasubramanian, Dr. T.K. Sundari Ravindran

This study in rural Tamil Nadu, India, explored the reasons why many married women in India undergo induced abortions rather than use reversible contraception to space or limit births in terms of women’s sexual and reproductive rights within marriage, and in the context of gender relations between couples.Read more