RUWSEC has produced number of health education materials, training manuals and documents on gender, sexual and reproductive health matters. The recent publications are listed under four broad themes.

To download our publications please scroll down and clink the link

1. Health Education Pamphlets (Tamil)

1.1. Contraceptive Methods

1. What is Contraception

2. Vasectomy

3. Tubectomy

4. IUD

5. Oral Pills


7. Emergency Contraception

8.Contraceptive Injection

9.Female Condom

10. Condom Men

11. Natural Methods

1.2. Maternal Health

1. Danger signs in pregnancy

2. Pregnant women who needs special care

3. Ways to Normal delivery

4. Legal updates on Medical abortion

5. Medical abortion

6. MTP Act Amended 2021

7. Abort the Stigma – A Tool Kit

1.3.  Reproductive Morbidities

1. Urinary Tract Infections

2. Reproductive Tract Infections

3.Uterine Prolapse

1.4.  General Health

1. Types of Fever

2. Scabies

3. Diarrhoea

4. A modern parable

5. Covid 19 Pandemic

6. Covid 19 vaccine

1.5.  Reproductive Health

1. Anemia

2. Madha Vilakku

2. Training manuals on Gender, Sexual and Reproductive Health

1. Subverting Patriarchy

2. Adolescents education programme – Training manual Tamil

3. Walk with confidence – Assertiveness training for rural adolescent girls

4. Life skills education manual for children- Tamil

5. Planning and implementing community based sexual and reproductive health programmes- A training manual for grassroots organizations

6. Towards gender equality- A Trainers training report on Young people’s SRHR

2.1 Training manual and materials on Ethics and Professionalism 

Rural Women’s Social Education Centre has developed a curriculum on ethics and professionalism of community health workers. This curriculum has been developed in English and Tamil. We encourage all governmental and non-governmental organizations working with community health workers to feel free to download these course materials and use them. If you are using them as they are, or if you are adapting them to your local context, please drop in an email informing us about it, so that we can track the utilization of the curriculum.


Dr. Vijayaprasad Gopichandran, +919445226806,

Dr. Balasubramanian Palanisamy, +919443120751,

RUWSEC Office :

Curriculum Documents

1. Curriculum Book And Facilitator Manual

Ethics and Professionalism

2. PowerPoint Presentations

          a. Ethical Principles of CHWs

          b. Doing good doing no Harm

          c. Autonomy

          d. Privacy

          e. Confidentiality

          f. Justice and Equity

          g. Col & Power Hierarchies

          h. Professionalism

          i. Kaattuthee (English)

          j. Kaattuthee (Tamil)

3. Videos

a. Doing good and avoiding harm

b. Non discrimination and fairness

c. Solidarity

d. Understanding values and culture of a community

e. Confidentiality

4. Cartoons

        a. English

        b. Tamil

3. Tamil Translation Series: Gender, Sexual and Reproductive Health

1. Our Bodies Ourselves

2. Rural Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health and rights

3. Redefining gender based violence as sexual and reproductive health rights

4. Linking Poverty Eradication, Food Sovereignty and Security, and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

5. Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in the Post-2015 Agenda: Taking Their Rightful Place

6. SRR-Tamil-Final 2018

4. Documents

1. Life Skills and Literacy: Tools for Adolescent Health and Empowerment

2. Winds of Change

3. Partners in Progress

4. Honoring Women

5. Partnering with men to promote gender equity and reproductive rights

6. Life skills education Programme for Tsunami – affected Children in Coastal Districts of Tamil Nadu

7. The Assisted Reproductive Technology Bill 2008

8. Gender, Sex Selection and Safe Abortion: Creating Common Ground

9. Centre Staging Safety of Delivery

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